Welcome to the Colvin Run PTO
PTO Memberships
Your $25 family membership enables the PTO to produce a fantastic year of community events like the Family Science Night, Talent Show, Culturama, and Family Movie Night. Your membership also helps support the PTO website and biweekly newsletter, and the school directory (a must for organizing play dates and birthday parties! PTO memberships must be renewed every year.
*Membership bonus: Each member family gets a printed copy of the school directory!
Direct Donation Drive
Many of CRES's award-winning programs and services are made possible only through the funding from our PTO operating budget. Direct donations are our major source of revenue. The Direct Donation Drive allows 100% of each family's donation to directly and immediately benefit your children and our school community. Your tax deductible donation of $125 per student directly supports the PTO-funded enrichment programs. We understand that every family's situation is different and we warmly accept donations of any size.
Donate online here. Thanks so much!
The CRES PTO annual operating budget directly enhances our children's learning experience and enriches our school community. Just a few of the educational and community-building programs and services made possible by the CRES PTO include:
- Curriculum Enhancement (Violins for ALL 3rd graders, William and Mary Advanced Academics
- Curriculum for ALL students, expanded classroom resources, online student programs (Reflex Math, No Red Ink, Kahoot, etc)
- Support for STEAM Lab and Computer Lab
- Teacher support programs
- Room parent programs
- Support for Academic Competition teams, e.g. Science Olympiad and Odyssey of the Mind
- Investment in Technology to be used in classroom
- Student Cultural Assemblies
- Character Education Program: Project Shape the Future
- School Musical put on by the 5th and 6th graders
- Support for grade-level events and academic enrichment activities
- Art Plus- PTO funded art enrichment program each quarter for ALL grades
- Fun Family Events (Movie night, Bingo night, Talent Show, STEAM night, Culturama, Skate Night)
- PTO website and bi-weekly newsletters