Culturama 2024
Author: VP Communications
Date: 10/29/2019 10:30 pm
Friday, October 25th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Calling all Participants!!! Let’s explore and travel the world together.
CRES will be hosting Culturama on Friday, October 25th. This is a fun, free event to celebrate different countries and cultures from across the globe.
To make this event a success, we need your help! SIGN-UP here to showcase a country through an exhibit, performance, and/or a fashion show. The more countries we have, the more passport stamps attendees get! The evening will feature music, crafts, posters, artifacts, and of course, TASTY FOOD.
Consider reusing or updating your displays from the previous Culturama event. Or make a new one! More details to follow soon. Happy travels!
We are looking for volunteers to help organize the event. Interested in joining the Culturama Lead Team? Got questions? Email Cassie Kramer at